The general costs for a loan at a payday loan providers is rather high. Some ask a ridiculously high interest rate, where others ask you to pay other type of cost. While you are in the process of choosing a provider you will find out that those additional cost are often hidden and that the providers are often trying to mislead you. They advertise with low interes rates for example but the real cost only appears in the end of the process. Be aware of those extra often hidden costs.
With pay day loans the interest rate on an annual base is pretty bad. Compound rates can be above 30%. This is even without taking into account the additional fees that are involved with many pay day loans. If you can borrow money from friends or family this is a much better choice. Even better is to avoid the need for these loans.
Additional extra costs also will apply when you’re late with paying back the loan. If you’re looking for a fast cash advance then you may not be bothered by these extra hidden costs but they will bug you and you may get deep in the shit for not paying attention. This especially tends to happen to young people or low educated persons.
Many people run out of money before the end of the month. While they still need money for food or purposes. That’s where pay day loan providers step in. They offer instant payday loans that lasts for some weeks up to a month and promise instant acces to cash. Instead of searching for other options people take this chance and choose a rather expensive loan. It is known that payday loan providers cost rather a lot.
Other people that choose a payday loan is because the checks on your credit rating are less or even non-existent. Persons with bad credit ratings or who are already indebted are still able to have access to money loans. The big downside is that many people are not able to repay the loan and end up being even more indebted with all of its consequences. There are even people who shop from one payday loan provider to another. Other terms that are used for payday loan providers include cash advance.
How payday loans actually work?
If you need a quick loan that will get you through until payday, there aren’t many alternatives out there. Payday loans, also known as short term loans are virtually the only real solution for this type of problem. Since the application process is super easy and the approval time is fast, there isn’t much to understand really. So, before you give it the go ahead, do your research and find out what what will happen and how much and when you will be charged and so on. In short, you need to see if this is the correct choice for you.
In summary, a payday loan is a credit solution that has been designed as such that you pay it off on your next payment cycle. Such loans are for small amounts, typically between 50 and 1000 dollars and the repayment time is no more than 30 days. Terms will vary depending on the state you are at and the same goes for the interest rates.
So, is a payday loan safe?
Our final word is: be careful. The payday loan industry justify its existence saying they are cheaper and safer then bounced checks and overdraft fees. Still, a payday loan can be a nightmare if poorly managed. Still, these are better options than say loan sharks which you must stay away from. There is a big difference between physical danger and financial danger.